Penny's been sleeping a lot more - probably due to a combination of aging, low energy, and lack of disturbances from her deafness. She used to come greet whoever entered the house or meow whenever the phone rang, but now I think she doesn't hear any of this go on.
Penny has always been a dainty eater and the past few days have been especially trying in terms of getting her to eat more. Her normal, healthy weight should be 9-10 lbs. During her annual check-up mid-November (before the tumor was discovered), she was 8.5 lbs. Right after Christmas, I weighed her at 7 lbs. 8 oz so I started her on canned catfood to try and get her to gain weight. She really loved it for a couple of days and then suddenly lost her appetite. We immediately stopped feeding her the Piroxicam that the oncologist had prescribed. New year's worried me because it didn't appear that she ate more than a few kibbles or drank all day. She's down to
I tried everything from microwaving the catfood to handfeeding her (which she normally loves) and eventually ended up feeding her 4 mL of catfood mixed with half-and-half by syringe yesterday. Her appetite has been gradually picking up, and I'm encouraging her to eat whatever she will. Last night she licked up some leftover ice cream from my bowl and today she ate maybe 1/4 of what she normally would.
Aside from the loss of appetite and low energy, she's still a happy, purring, social cat.
Current weight: 7.2 lbs
Oh Penny! We love you and send lots of pets.
Melissa, Mike and Cate
I gave her your pets and she purred. Thank you. :)
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