Penny is more or less back to doing her thing: napping in various places throughout the house, following us around, and doing a very good imitiation of a paper weight on our laps. This picture was taken over the weekend - you can see the difference in size between her left and right cheek. She's back to eating hard foods and drinking water now, although not nearly at the quantities compared to just a month ago. For some reason, she doesn't like canned catfood anymore. She will eat a little of it I water it down to make it mushier.
Some recent anomalies we noticed include 1) small lesions all over her body and 2) a big-than-others vertebrae. I don't know when the lesions started because it's hard to notice under her fur. We noticed the first one last month when a scab came off (slightly smaller than the size of an eraser tip) and took off her hair with it. She has a little bald spot at her shoulder, which is growing back now. Could it be an allergic reaction to the Piroxicam? Or a rash somehow remotely related to the cancer? She does seem to be a bit itchier than normal so the marks could be caused by her biting at her skin.
As for the fat vertebrae in the middle of her back, David pointed it out to me last night. He thinks she may have had that for a long time and now it's just more noticeable with her weight loss and overall boniness.
Current weight: 7.0 lbs
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