Today's post is less about Penny than it is for another cat named Tiny. Tiny is 12 years old and belongs to my sister-in-law's family. I guess that makes Penny and Tiny "cousins" in a way.
Tiny is also a tabby cat with white markings, however his normal weight is a hefty 12-13 lbs. Within the last week, he dropped 4 lbs. and suddenly lost strength to climb over anything, including the lip of his litter box. The vet discovered a mass and had Tiny sent over to the VMS, the same place that Penny went to see a cat oncologist. We were very sad to hear last night that Tiny was diagnosed with intestinal lymphoma. Without treatment, he only has a couple of weeks left. The family decided to give him one dose of chemotherapy plus steroids to hopefully prolong Tiny's life by another month or two. They'll know on Friday whether this was successful. In the meantime, Tiny is back home and still purring.
Two separate instances of cat cancer occurring at the same time in our extended family has truly been quite a shock. Our nephew Coby came up with a great idea when he said, "we should have lots of parties for Tiny and Penny so that they can be happy while they are alive." We'll be keeping Tiny in our thoughts.
In the meantime, Penny holds steady at 6.8 lbs. and she takes to supplemental feedings well using the "surprise method".
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