My husband asked a good question..."Is it still a 'surprise feeding' when she comes to expect it?"
Penny's been pretty stable this week. She eats 2-3 times a day in bed and supplements with visits to her bowl. The funny thing is that she will refuse to eat her canned food in the kitchen, but 5 minutes later will happily eat it all up if I give her the same bowl in bed. (Yes, she continues to be an unusual cat.) Her lesions seem to be healing and the sneezes have died down. At night her energy level is high, too.
As for cousin cat, Tiny, he's not doing quite so well. His weight has dropped another 2 pounds and the family is having him treated with steroids and other injections to keep him going a bit longer. I can't believe he's as small as Penny now. Just 2 weeks ago he was a big fat cat!
Penny's current weight: 6.8 lbs
Tiny's weight: 6.5 to 7.5 lbs, depending on the scale
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