Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Poop mystery solved.

Penny has always been a good communicator. "Pet me," "feed me," "let me in the closet." Whatever she wants, she finds a way to stubbornly let us know.

Awhile back, I discovered a piece of her poop in the middle of the kitchen floor and was convinced that my husband had somehow carelessly gotten it on his shoe and tracked it over there. When I accused him, he denied it and then accused me of doing it. Well, after some close scrutiny of his shoe and my sock, we determined that Penny did it all by herself. She never was very good at "making it" into her litter box, but it was highly uncharacteristic that something would end up so far away from the box. Turned out that she was trying to tell us to clean her litter box - very effective considering that the little present she left was in a location that could not have been missed.

There was a bit of mystery as to how she did it though. I mean, did she actually "go" in the middle of the floor, or move something over from her box? This week, the mystery was solved when David caught her in the act. She went to the bathroom as usual back at her box, and then dragged herself with her front paws, while in sitting position with her rear legs up! And what was left behind was, well, left behind. Mystery solved.

Current weight: 7.0 lbs.

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