The day before, I had taken her to the cat oncologist to get a second opinion on what it was. (Her normal vet thought it was inflammed tissue, but the antibiotics didn't seem to subside the bump.) The oncologist thought that it was her sinus fluids, built up from her nasal passage being clogged. There was really nothing the oncologist could do because she didn't want to risk infecting the lump by taking a sample.
Fast forward to the day of the photo. Nature took its own course when Cutie Cat popped the lump all on her own and drained the fluids through her forehead. I'll spare you the details.
Over the next days, the lump would build back up again, get drained, and the process would repeat. It's been surprisingly efficient, and short of a bald spot that formed around the drainage hole, kitty is doing well... social, alert, and eating regularly.
Current weight: 5.4 lbs
Medications: none